Young Collar 330

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Exit Interview with Joe

Good for me he was voted out, but he was my favorite. 

Joe Anglim knew he was a marked man as soon as he lost his first immunity challenge. And sure enough that’s what happened last night on Survivor: Worlds Apart. The guy was just too big of a threat—a likeable challenge dominator is someone you just can’t bring anyone near the end. :
On when he started collecting materials for his fake idol:
“It was probably around the merge when I started. I had the idea since I was a kid, like ‘Oh, my gosh, I feel like this is such an underutilized tool in Survivor. If you don’t know what the idol looks like, you can just fabricate one.’ So I started picking up some twine and little things from the merge and my torch and the immunity idol and just stashed it.”
On frustration over wanting so badly to stay while Jenn was actively trying to get out of the game:
“I love Jenn Brown, but once Hali was gone, you could just tell. She just kind of checked out mentally.…It sucked, because of course I wanted to be there. It was hard. It was really frustrating.”
On sharing his idol clue with Tyler instead of finding the idol himself first:
“As soon as Tyler saw me, he didn’t blow me out of the water, so I was like, ‘Okay, maybe I can work with Tyler…and then I can use that against him against his own alliance’…. As soon as we got back to camp everybody was watching me like a hawk. I had no opportunity to go and look for it so I just laid low…. So it was near impossible [to go and find the idol]. There was a whole cat and mouse game we played for like three days. It was awesome. It was fun. It was insane, but I couldn’t get away.”
On why Will flipped:
“Me and Will aligned day 1, even before I met him. We were a little mini-family, but as soon as we hit the merge, I told Will & the girls, ‘Hey, I’m going to ignore you a lot and not really talk to you, I don’t want them to think we’re as close as we are.’ So I just kind of ignored Will. We all kind of ignored Will, and Will became close with Rodney.…I’ve heard some things. We’ve talked about it around the circle and it sounded like he just didn’t want anyone under the age of 30 to win the game. He just was wanting to play with an adult crowd, if that makes any sense.”
On Dan’s treatment of Shirin:
“Me and Dan never had a beef. I actually got along with Dan really well in the game and I never really saw this side of Dan, at least whenever I was around. Dan wants to be the jokester and he’s kind of loud and he’s a storyteller and I think in his head he thinks he’s being funny, but in actuality he can cut some people down. He said those things to Shirin. Nobody deserves to be talked to like that. Was it gameplay? I don’t think so. Maybe it was. But is there a line? Definitely. Things become personal. You’re living with these people and words count for something. I don’t know the extent of Dan’s relationship with Shirin now. We all seem to get along pretty well but you can only go so deep.”

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