Young Collar 330

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Interview with Kelly

On having the platform crash down on top of her in the blindfolded challenge:
“I thought I actually ran into a tree…I thought it was sweat dripping down my face.”
On watching the accident for the first time play back on TV:
“I was shocked.”
On not being able to figure out the memory challenge even when Mike was throwing it:
“I panicked. I was going against my best bud Mike…. I didn’t realize what was going on at first. It took me a while. I panicked. I froze…. My memory is not as great as I thought it was.”
On what would have happened had Mike not thrown the challenge:
“I think I would have been the next to go, They didn’t want us to merge with five Blue Collars. They knew once we merged back together that the five Blue Collars were going to go home strong. And that was our goal before we split apart, was the Blue Collars saying to each other, ‘If anyone gets separated, this is what were going to do. We’re going to throw challenges to get us all back.’ So yes, I think I would have been done if they didn’t throw the challenge for me at that point.”
On being excited about the merge:
“I didn’t like the No Collars. I didn’t like their tribe. I didn’t like their fire pit. I didn’t like their shelter. I didn’t like the girls I was with. So I was like ‘Oh yes, this is back home! I made it!’”
On if she told Mike about Rodney’s final four alliance with him, her, Carolyn and Will:
“I did not tell Mike about Rodney’s alliance because I knew that if I told Mike that possibly he would want to get rid of Rodney at that point. I just kept that in my back pocket. Once I had made it closer I would have told him ‘Hey, this is what is going on.’”

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